Wisdom Patrick
7 min readJan 31, 2023


The Place of Research in SongWriting

What is Song Writing?

Songwriting is the act of creating words to accompany musical noises. It is a talent designated for those who are extremely clever.

Despite the fact that it is considered to be one of the easiest tasks for an artistically inclined individual to do. And this is due to the reality that music is made up of only two basic components: tone and time. As a result, the considered professional believes that he or she can pass as a songwriter because he or she has a complete understanding of pitch manipulation verbally or with other types of instruments, and because he or she knows how to manipulate the said pitch with respect to time (rhythm).

Because of this misinterpretation, a large number of ineffective songs have been created. This is because the supposed songs are lacking in critical components such as research. The very sound of the term seems exhausting, as it implies a never-ending process: the process of seeking. Repetition in a search indicates that great attention is taken to locate the desired results.

You don’t have to be the singer of the tunes to earn money in the music business; songwriting is an appealing substitute. It’s a sad truth, but not all of your favorite tracks were penned by your favorite performer.Songwriters aren’t the only creative talent signed by record companies. Why? They know that no one individual can do everything on their own and that success requires cooperation.

The only true difference is that the songwriters behind your best tracks almost never take credit for their work. You can think of them as ghostwriters who add to outstanding works but receive no recognition for their efforts because they choose to sell their image in return for an amount of money. Consider them to be people who contribute to outstanding works but receive no recognition for their efforts. Many people may have overlooked it, but it’s actually a profitable method to earn money covertly in the music business.

To get to this point, it is intricate that you know your onions, one of which is how to use research as a tool to your advantage as a songwriter. But before then, let’s take a look at what research is in itself.

What is Research?

Research is the process of systematically gathering information and studying existing data to form new ideas. To put it another way, research is an inventive and systematic endeavour that is made to increase the existing bodies of knowledge. Research is the process of collecting information and examining it to learn more about a subject, with the primary goal being the elimination of potential mistakes and prejudices in the data.

You might be wondering what the relationship is between songwriting and research, well it’s a question that should cross your mind since research is mostly associated with the process of scientific expeditions. As a songwriter, one thing that should guide your writing process is the fact you are writing to communicate, which is what music in itself is about generally; you should be able to send the message across to the audience irrespective of the intervention of other musical instruments.

As a Songwriter What are the things to Research on?

Contrary to popular belief, creating works of art requires a certain level of skill in addition to a certain level of intellect. The same is true for the creative process of songwriting; thus, if you want to build a name for yourself, you must take things carefully and execute at the greatest level possible under all conditions.

Studying is essential to becoming proficient in any kind of writing, and composing songs is no exception. Remember that the audience will listen to whatever it is that you choose to disseminate at all times. They will tune in no matter what. Effective communication is now not only a fundamental principle of music and the arts in general, but also a responsibility that is placed on the shoulders of those who produce it. So make sure that the listeners will be able to grasp the content of whatever it is that you intend to write as a song.

I know you’re wondering what you are supposed to research about as a songwriter, which is why I am here to put you through. Below are a few that I think would help raise your songwriting up a notch.

The Subject Matter:

At the outset, the most important items. Investigating something is like attempting to solve a puzzle. If you really want to know the solution to a query, there’s nothing stopping you from doing whatever it takes to discover it. In this instance, you want to convey information to your audience in a manner that is as relaxing as possible. Why? No one can claim to have been the first to pen a ballad about heartbreak, battle, or salvation. In other words, you’ll need to do something new if you want them to listen to you. What would set you apart from the crowd? Information. Where do you go to get it? Research.

So what exactly are you writing about? Just like academic research, you have no right to write about a subject matter if you know nothing about it; you should at least be in the field to have the right to write about it. Picture yourself attempting to pen a song about love with a faulty viewpoint. There is no way around the fact that your display will be inaccurate. That means that whatever you give to the people will become a symbol of affection in their eyes. It is important to keep in mind the psychic weight of music, as it serves as a means by which the words can penetrate more deeply into a man’s soul. For this reason, it should come as no surprise that Socrates proclaimed music to be the quickest route to the human spirit.

The Language/Tone:

There is a language used in every genre of literature. To this end, it is important, beyond the musicality of the words themselves, to know what to write in order to inspire action. Your words are what would transport the subject matter, exposing it in its purest form to your audience, although there is a portion where you need to choose the correct set of notes to communicate the message. Music’s harmonies are like words, and when they’re played over and over again, they form a sequence that can be thought of as a phrase. Choosing the best terms to express yourself is as important as figuring out the best structure for your work.

Your words are what would transport the subject matter, exposing it in its purest form to your audience…

In addition, you cannot afford to compose a love song for a woman in the same manner as a song that encourages love in the community. This is because the two types of songs require very different approaches. They each approach the topic of attachment from their own unique vantage point.

Moreso, like how a regard for the reader’s time is ensured by well-researched writing. Incorrect information and unconvincing reasoning bore the viewer. Songwriters who put in the time and effort to properly investigate and show their songs to the public can expect to attract a dedicated fan base. In the pursuit of writing a significant song, some songwriters will go so far as to change their daily routines and even embark on trips to far-flung locations in the hope of resonating more deeply with their inner creative selves and eliciting the inspiration necessary to write a memorable tune.

You don’t have to do all the heavy lifting on your own if you choose to collaborate with a songwriter rather than taking on the task all by yourself. Some people go as far as trying their hand at music production, only to come back with a recording that is poorly written or defective in some other way. But that should be saved for another article.


When you’ve done your homework as a composer, you’ll have a composition that’s full of depth and emotion because you’ll know how to introduce the subject simply without making it sound conceited. There is a need for research in nearly every area of human endeavour, including music, and it must be conducted accurately to prevent the spread of false information or interruptions in the transfer of important data. compose songs founded on solid inquiry; don’t just compose songs. Your music should do more than just make people happy; it should educate them as well. There is so much more than people would get if only they listened to the right kind of music, or hired the services of a good songwriter.

Just to add, songwriting can help you articulate your feelings, relax, make sense of tough situations, and even help you triumph over them. Creating music can be a relaxing hobby or a meaningful healing outlet.

I do hope this tip was helpful and you enjoyed the read as much as I enjoyed writing this. If you have questions, do drop them in the comment session.